January 2021
Happy New Year & Happy Train Your Dog Month!
Jamie is a special girl who took extra time and training to be able to find her furever home.
She was found at about five weeks old, orphaned in a ditch on the side of the road with her five littermates.
Once with TLC Rescue, her first foster family noticed that Jamie was shy, but would eventually warm up to people, to an extent. She was adopted more than once, but she wasn’t quite able to settle in and needed more help to adjust than each the families was able to undertake. At no fault of her own, and more than once, she came back to TLC.
Over several months, Jamie spent time with several foster families, each working with her from different angles. She was then placed with TLC’s behavioral therapist for three months, who was able to help her overcome her fears and anxieties.
More than a year after coming to Pennsylvania, TLC was able to finally set Jamie up for the best possible scenario. She was placed in foster to adopt (FTA) with a family that would continue to work closely with the behavioral therapist.
It took some time, but with continued support and help, Jamie was able to work through her anxiety and fear of people. Her FTA family also learned how to manage expectations and recognize limitations, so that Jamie would be set up to “win” more often.
Her FTA family soon became known as simply her “family”, and they are thrilled with how far she has come. While she may still have some hurdles to overcome, they know that they will always have the help and support they need through TLC.
Rescue isn’t always easy. Some dogs need extra love, care, and time. Some need additional support and training. But, once they’ve learned that they’re safe and ‘home’, the rewards make it all worthwhile.
To read more about Jamie’s journey with TLC, check out her foster’s blog here: