To Love a Canine Rescue, Inc. To Love a Canine Rescue, Inc.

Happy New Year!

New Years Eve was a special treat & super fun because my foster parents let me hang out with their human friends! I got to lay under the table and sneak lots of snacks. The smallest human kept giving me snacks. He was my favorite.

I hope everyone had a wonderful howliday!  Mine was pretty fun, even though I’m still waiting for this “rest” period to be over. I’m taking it as easy as I can, but I just feel so good! Maybe better than ever!  My foster mom and dad get worried when I get too excited and want to play. I recently discovered that I can chase that floofy thing attached to my back!  The first time I did it, my foster parents found it very funny!  But then they got worried I may hurt myself so I had to stop. 

I feel great, but I do get a little sad when I see my foster siblings running and playing together.  I’m not allowed to do that yet, but Oh I want to so badly!!  Sometimes I try to play with them by barking and bowing behind my gate. 

New Years Eve was a special treat & super fun because my foster parents let me hang out with their human friends! I got to lay under the table and sneak lots of snacks. The smallest human kept giving me snacks.  He was my favorite. 

My foster mom told me I get to see my Doctor Friend on Monday for a one-month post-surgery checkup! I’m so excited to see all my friends. All paws crossed that they take me off this silly “rest” thing, and I can finally be free to run and bounce and play with my foster siblings! 

Want to catch up on Chelsea’s journey from the very beginning? Catch up from the very beginning here

Consider supporting Chelsea’s journey with a donation towards her nearly $20,000 medical expenses. Learn more here.

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