Dreaming of Furever…
Hi Friends! So sorry I haven’t posted in a while but I’ve been keeping busy living the good life!
It’s been just over 2 months since my surgery and I’m back to the things I enjoy most like frolicking in the yard off leash, visiting the small humans at schools and keeping my foster siblings in line. What have they been doing without me all this time?
The white hot pain may be gone, but my foster parents keep telling me how expensive my special doctor friend trips have been. They said we raised almost $5,000 which I guess is a lot! But only a small piece of the $20,000 surgery? I’m so happy that all of you have been so kind to me and wanted to help. There’s still time to help pay off my bills. I keep trying to give my foster mom my toys & things that I find in the yard to help! We still have a long way to go but love you all for believing in my doctor friends and coming along on this wild journey with me!
Speaking of the journey, I love my foster parents and everything they’ve done for me! I wouldn’t feel as good as I do without their advocacy and love. Now that I’m finally feeling better than ever, I want to have what my other foster friends keep getting… a family of my very own. I’m ready to find a family that can give me furever! Like a fairy tale come true! Nothing about my life so far has been normal, so my future family will be nothing but extraordinary.
I’m a good girl or at least I am told so every day! I’m also told that I’m very in-tune with my Great Pyrenees heritage…whatever that means. Maybe they say that because I’m so good at singing and love to use the backyard as my stage! Or maybe it’s because I don’t like to share my treats with my friends. What can I say… I’m a girl who knows what I like!
Speaking of which… what would I like to have in my furever home? I’d love to have a fenced in yard I can play in and patrol around the perimeter of. I’d love a brother or sister (furry or human!) that I can play with. I’d love someone who will teach me new things, give me yummy treats and all the chin scratches a girl could want.
I will keep dreaming of my furever family while enjoying this wonderful life I have…
Want to catch up on Chelsea’s journey from the very beginning? Catch up from the very beginning here
Consider supporting Chelsea’s journey with a donation towards her nearly $20,000 medical expenses. Learn more here.